Click here to register/login to your SportsConnect account. Once registered, you will be able to add your child to your account & view available programs based on birthdate. If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email [email protected].
The following forms are REQUIRED before your athlete can participate in team activities. (These are not required to complete registration online, they can be uploaded to your account at a later date).
Player/Parent Consent Form (Click to download)
Medical History Form (Click to download)
Birth Certificate
Thank you,
Lake Central Pop Warner
Support the Lake Central Pop Warner Buccaneers by sporting the latest gear from our official merch stores. Whether you’re a fan or a proud parent, we have something for everyone. Explore separate collections for our football and cheer teams, then easily place a single order at checkout. Show your Buccaneers pride with top-quality apparel and accessories! Get your gear today and represent the Lake Central Pop Warner with pride both on and off the field!
Helpful Tip: The designs shown through out the site are all available on any item! Find the perfect shirt, hat or gear and customize to any of the Buccaneer logos!